Cat #3 the one I refer to as 47 cards still loves me. Sidney named after one of my favorite actors came meowing at my door tonight asking in his best feline voice to come in. Of course I granted access and all he wanted was a mega dose of affection, which I quite frankly have been withholding for the last 6 weeks. Not willfully mind you but nonetheless I felt his need and for about 5 minutes he paraded around my legs begging for as much touch as I could dole out. And as is their wont cats get their fill and then leave unceremoniously. He did just that but thought better of it because not 2 minutes later he was verbally knocking again and this time he jumped over my keyboard and had his way with me and I of course acceded to his wishes. This time he pursued a full court press and drooled just like a dog would until he was sated. Then he left again. Bottom line: he made me feel oh so good.
The cat is not playing with a full deck?