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Saturday, August 6, 2011


It’s not a good time the last 24 hours in the world of Jack. Watching her in pain is one of the most difficult things for me to witness, feel and absorb. To think that I am the direct cause of a woman’s anguish that I have loved for 13 years is more painful than I could have imagined. I am not living the life of Jack the lad like she may think but I am trying to make room in my head that I can become the affable man that God created. It’s not that she kept me from that, I would never blame her for anything negative it’s just that I became a hermit and withdrew so completely I nearly drowned myself treading the water of which is my life.  There’s more pain to come I imagine and what road I take will likely be one that is paved before me with little time to ruminate over. I will just have to keep moving to make progress in pursuit of an uncomplicated life with open doors and windows.  


  1. As adults, we are responsible for one's own self. Isn't any of this her fault? Isn't she creating pain for you by acting in this manner?

    Figure out who you are and what you want. Create a clear path and take it.

    No one can take care of you if you can't take care of yourself.

  2. What most people including my wife do is not own anything. It is not all me or my fault entirely. The court of public opinion might say so but I know in my heart that I had plenty of help.
