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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Making Peace

Making peace is always a good thing especially when you have unspoken hurt feelings lying inside the heart and mind. I know what I will be losing (at least I think I do) but living is the only way to tell what you are living without.  I have been blessed for 13 years. I can look at it as all for naught but I won’t do that to the memory I share with my blended family. I tried my best with ½ a Brady Bunch family but in the end my own character defects and shortcomings kept me from completing the mission that I had no real plan for. 

Now that emotions have been at least confronted the unwinding process begins. There are so many things I can still maintain with my soon to be ex-wife and that is a civility and an appreciation of our individual but very different talents that we both possess. I will miss many things but for now maybe I can get along better with her without obfuscation of any kind.  

1 comment:

  1. It takes two. Seems to be she must have done wrong - at the very least something small?

    Learn from your mistakes and move forward. God gave you another chance to start anew. He must have something good in mind for you!
