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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Enough is Enough

When I heard this Barbara Streisand-Donna Summer song today in spin class I almost wanted to throw up. I am so tired of these anthem songs against men that are not only outdated but one sided. Distaff dissertations on relationships that went wrong just because the gender was male don’t sit right in the 21st Century or any century for that matter.  

I have to tell you that it is men that need to sing their own songs of enough is enough. Women do not by any means have exclusivity over someone did me wrong. I have made many choices in my life and there are many that I regret and I had plenty of help from the women in my life. 

 The woman in front of me in class today was lip-synching this song word for word bobbing her head back and forth as if she was personally wounded and still carrying around the resentment some 30 years later. I am sure she put just as much of a monkey wrench into that love affair she can’t seem to let go of either.  

Enough is Enough.

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