You’re in it and when it hit you were not ready for it. Since I am lacking in the skill of common sense I usually over react and wind up doing more damage to my physical body when I am emotionally disturbed than I could ever imagine. I am blessed with a decent set of grey cells but when my heart speaks my head gets paralyzed and my intelligence goes to sleep over camp.
It was oh about 15 years ago when I first discovered that I could experience more than one emotion at the same time. Women do it like its second nature but when I was fully cognizant that it was indeed possible my life changed. Mostly for the better because I learned the skill of setting aside one emotional outburst and step into the person that was watching my illogic get played out. It is as if I were two people in the same body with two brains operating at each end of the seesaw. What that gave me is the ability to see both sides of an opinion, a diametrically opposed belief and someone else’s emotional chaos. A great skill was born and it usually had the effect of lowering my emotional temperature.
However I am human and When Love Takes Over emotional chaos can be the result. It is for me instincts in collision and after a time interval I start to recover but the repercussions can last for hours or even days. Some might say that I bring it on all by myself by the choices I make. I think my energy tells me instead that for the first time in my life I am alive. Living life in moderation may be healthier in the long run but even the long run in the life of a human is less than a blink on the universal clock.
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