To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is nobler…I have forgotten the rest of Macbeth’s soliloquy but I don’t think of Shakespeare when I hear this phrase in my mind’s voice box. I hear Mel Brooks (Jack Benny’s version never seemed to enthrall me) in his version of this popular movie with his now deceased wife, serious actress Anne Bancroft. Why is that worth writing about? Not sure really but when words fly into this birdcage I like to be near my word document so that whatever is about to be transcribed takes on a life of it’s own or falls flat like a dead Spalding dropping below its normal high bounce.
If I am ‘not to be’ how does ‘to be’ really differ? I think that ‘not to be’ is using my right brain when its clearly left-handed I am. I get turned around a lot when a fly ball heads my way and instead of following my natural instincts I turn the wrong way round and drop the ball that was clearly catchable. Many errors in judgment I have made when just a little more thought might have hurt someone less or not given them a false hope for some other outcome. I like to think that when its time for me ‘to be’ again that I am off with the crack of the bat and not get a late break and wind up trying to make a shoe string catch that gets past me and goes all the way to the wall.