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Saturday, September 29, 2012

How Can I Be?

How can I be sure in a world that’s constantly changing? A song from the Young Rascals in the idyllic 60’s descended on me and so I write about just that.  The rapidity of the 21st Century’s dynamic make the 60’s seem like a turtle moving through molasses by comparison. Of course at the time change was beginning to accelerate just how much it would however was at the time incalculable.  

How can I be sure? Not as easy today as had been in the past when life was more black and white like so many of the TV sets in homes. Now to paraphrase the pop culture’s latest craze; life’s permutations are more like 50 shades of grey.  No longer can we be sated in thinking we’ve done the right thing by simply telling the truth. The oft-used anagram of TMI (too much information) is a discretionary tool we need to consider when we divulge every facet of our lives to another. The AA phrase of making amends to all person’s we have harmed except when to do so would injure another is a discerning tool to use in deciding what goes said and what is better left unsaid. 

This is of course is in no way to condone prevarication but there are some details that will only add needless controversy and exacerbate situations that if left alone would remain innocuous. The best way to proceed might be the completion backwards principle wherein we future pace what we plan to say. Then we can  try to predict with the most amount of accuracy what we are trying to accomplish in what we say to another and how much is necessary and how much is not.  There are always ways to make sure our point is made staying away from our inflated egos and self-aggrandizement.  Just how we navigate these shark infested waters have to be left prefaced with a prayer so that our words have a soft landing but never leaving our loved ones and friends left in the dark when to do so would also harm them.  

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