Just as I feel lonely my friends are there to comfort me as if nothing has happened. Friends don’t have to sleep with us and because of that if we are true to them we need never feel like we have to be anyone except who we are. Sex changes everything and no matter what we say to the contrary it always does and always will. When a man and a woman engage in the act of love a whole different set of rules apply. Some are written and some are not and still others are just assumed.
I love that I have friends that love me for me and not for some imagined illusion that my body holds. I will never forget that as long as I live.
Who we are is why we have friends. Those that truly love us love us from the inside out . We don't have to be handsome or smart or clever, we just need to be what God made. A true friend is there in good times and in bad. A true friend ask nothing in return for their love. I cherish your friendship. THANK YOU for being who you are.