What is it about spiritual love that makes me think even that is transitory. Wayne Dyer related from an author he read that there were three types of love. Divine love, which never changes or varies. Spiritual love that never changes but does vary and Human love which always changes and always varies.
I like these concepts because they are starting to help me in distinguishing what the hell I am feeling toward all the people in my life. Divine love is what our Higher Power holds for us and with that there is no room for discussion (thank God) but the other types of love are what bedevil me almost on a daily basis. Human love is what we all feel at different times of our lives and even from day to day. That warm and fuzzy feeling we have for our friends that touch our lives even if it is only for short intervals like an exercise class or for some of our close associates at work. This type of human love doesn’t require any commitment other than the wave of serenity that cascades over us when ‘the spirit’ moves us.
More to come.
WE need multiple words to describe love in its many forms as the Greeks do. Many times a day we say "I love you". In actuality we may mean ,I admire you,or I value your friendship, or perhaps it is lust Etc. etc. True love is something very different. Unfortunately many people never learn what it is. A description cannot be given here. It is individual and deeply emotional it is life changing and totally consuming.