There comes a time in this mans life when you have to take stock of just where the hell you are. You’re 60, been married three times and failed miserably for different reasons in each one of them but you have your health. Well yeah-no. My body seems to be functioning just fine if my life in chemistry is any proof but I have contracted bronchial asthma for the 4th time and my heart likes to “Jump Around” like that House of Pain song. (Which I detest)
But let’s look at the good side. I have lost 27 pounds and am as fit as I was when I was 45 and business although is hardly what could be considered “good” is passing in a time when the world is going to hell in a hand basket. And there are other considerations that are both good and quite bad which I will not chronicle here. I will now take Jacbook II and make those entries private and although it will be in a blog those that both love and hate me will no longer be able to read it and then eviscerate me.
Second guessing history is a waste of time and energy. Focus on today . Live it the best way you can. I for one will miss Jacbook. It has given me an inside look at the "real JB"