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Monday, May 9, 2011

Inhalation and Exhalation

The intensity in which I live and love my life makes it difficult at times for me to pass time meditatively. I cannot find the balance of the state of a human being and a human doing. I forget to breathe in the fashion that nature intended and that is through the nose. My wont is that every inhalation is very shallow as if respiration is just playing in the background like elevator music rather than a soundtrack. I don’t need to hear every note but certainly be present as I orchestrate the doings and beings that are my life. 

What is very apparent is that my mind when given the opportunity has a life all its own and unbridled from the conscious mind lets the horses of imagination run free. There is no room for the doubt that walks into my thoughts without so much as a knock or introduction. It crowds out the natural ebb and flow that intuition and the universe illustrate with a blue magic marker.  

1 comment:

  1. Contemplative thought, meditation, prayer are difficult for all of us at times. Focus on your breath and relax as you clear your mind of troublesome thoughts.

    This procedure becomes more difficult when life is unsettled. The solution lies in balance. The answer will come to you. Calm down my dear friend
