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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shedding Stress

Shedding stress is not as easy as shedding pounds. It’s nearly 10 weeks now that I find myself in respiratory distress and wonder how much of it is attributable to the stress in my life. One thing is for certain are that those people, places and things that I cannot shed now I have to let go of. I cannot keep expecting that the people in my life that claim   (and will swear on a holy bible that they do) to  love me are doing more harm than good.  They are doing the best they can with the resources they have but whoever taught them did a horrible job. This is not judgment this is what is. 

When someone has low self-esteem and a sense of entitlement attached to it, that person is not going to be able to understand their own malady unless they go and get their own stress relief like therapy. This is the option I have chosen most recently in my life basically because I need a sane voice that is emotionally unattached to me. It would seem that there are many that claim to love me in varying degrees but that is not what I am after now. I need a plan and even though I live extemporaneously that is not going to work as I head into the latter part of my existence. In fact I am seeing the end of the road as a distinct possibility I just need a direction so I don’t fall off the map.  


  1. A fib+ Respiratory distress=Congestive heart failure. You don't want to have to deal with that.Love as I've told you before is doled out on a continuum. We love many people in our lives. We love some more than others How much, how, when, why and to what degree do we love Is it self sacrificing or selfish love? Is it the love that we experience when we are rewarded for an accomplishment? Is it unconditional love.? An all encompassing love is what we all seek.

  2. The question is not if you are loved but under what conditions. We love many people in our lives. Few people are entitled to unconditional love. Most of us love those that care for us, our families, our friends even our pets. We love our country. We love our selves (harder)

    You let people walk all over you and then complain that they do it. You have taught them to do it (as I have ,I'm sorry to say)

    Gee the big 60 hit you hard. You have had plans in the past but you allow yourself to be side tracked. Think this thing out (pro's and Con's, pencil and paper)> You are a lucky man you have the resources to make the necessary changes and the people you need to help you.
