A week away on business will do more for my psyche even though the thrust of my trip is mainly business. I intend to relax and take in a change of scenery. Time to write and change my exercise regimen even though my plan is to seek out an Equinox and take in a spin class there.
My 2nd bronchitis attack gave me some alarm that I might have to postpone my flight but I took the precaution of staying away from the gym for what will be 4 days. As much as I miss those classes I needed to make a change to break this string.
A saying in AA tells me that when we became sick and tired of being sick and tired we would make changes. I am sick and tired of being sick and I just hope relief is on its way. My home life has been a bit more palatable of late but nothing intrinsically has changed. I wish that I were just a bit more of a hard ass and throw someone out on his ass but there is too much at stake because it involves all four of us not just him and I. And coupled with the fact that I hate to be mean even though change is long overdue. I am reminded of my sister who took advantage of my gentleness and is not even speaking to me just like my stepson is right now.