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Saturday, December 28, 2013


I used to scoff at what the rest of the world embraces at the close of every year. Most people (Survey Says!) tell themselves they’re going to lose weight and start and exercise regimen only to fall off their solemn promises before January’s last day. There are other resolutions about relationships, vocations and making more money but my resolution this year is to live one day at a time. Not to say I don’t have a plan or goals for the year but each day I resolve when I open my eyes tell myself I am grateful and thanking God that all my bodily functions are in order. That to me is more important than anything else. If I stay grateful everything else my Higher Power (that I choose to call God) will bestow on me.  Granted it that it might not necessarily be everything I want but in the words of Mick Jagger just what I need. 

Oh and I will resolve to drink more water, eat sensible meals and think about nourishing my body before I take to my Schwinn. 

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