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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

More Lives Than a Cat

As we approach the “silly season” I have had some time to reflect just how blessed I am. There is no doubt in my mind that Angels are watching over me because if I were a cat I’d be on my 3rd set of 9 lives. I am so convinced of that. On a daily basis I feel like I am rescued. I do get bounced on my butt but I always seem to land on my feet again. The only thing I can attribute this to be is that I am here to do more work. Whether it is in my chosen field as a financial professional or through my writing or whether it’s to help another alcoholic. I also know its not about me its about what I can give not what I can get. I’ve also learned that if I stay with that mindset my life will continue to be beyond my wildest dreams. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I See Things Differently Now

There are so many things that are well just different now.  It would take a long essay to explain what has changed in my life. I think one thing that has made a huge difference psychically is attending church again. In that vein I signed up as a lector to read passages from the big book. Those two things have given me a satisfaction that is virtually incalculable. It is an inner serenity that feeds off my continued sobriety. 

There are many transgressions in my life that I have asked forgiveness for and although there is no way to undo the hurt to those I have wronged I can only pray for their forgiveness one day.  For my part I have to forgive myself otherwise I will be in torment the rest of my days. That will serve no purpose for the life God gave me and I must make the best of my allotted time. 

I see things differently now and for that I am so grateful.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Splendor in the Grass?

Love is a funny thing complicated by the sex act. Once we add sexual intimacy the implicit and explicit rules of the road although paved with good intention often have us walking on broken glass as we become deaf, dumb and blind.  Love is like splendor in the grass at first but we as serial monogamists often wind up feeling twisted, betrayed and asking why me?  

 It’s so much easier to love someone platonically and escape the yeoman like work that sex carries with it. I’ve often felt like the pages of romantic love are as numerous as Dickens’ Bleak House a story we’d rather watch than turn over pages endlessly.  But is this what love ends up as a pain in the ass? Platonic love on the other hand is love light. There’s relatively no responsibility other than to feel good in their presence or smile when we simply think of them when we’re not. Separating the mind from the body is like tearing duct tape from our chest there’s just no way around the pain.  Romantic love is like the thrill of the rollercoaster on the downward drop only to be jolted when the ride stops. 

It doesn’t have to be like that but often is. Some of the angst, the pain, and the anger though are well worth it. I say that with tongue in cheek because as humans we cannot live without love nor can we live without the human touch of another. Those conversations in our head when we say to ourselves that we don’t need the headache are often obliterated simply by the next kiss.  

Having said these depressing thoughts I end with the idea that I do know now what true love is or what my splendor in the grass is.  It’s having that person in every thought, breath and beat of your heart. Even though you’d like to push them down the stairs in a wheelchair at times. Fortunately we can’t be committed for what are thoughts are but love is indeed a conundrum.