Above the soft undulating clouds the fringe of sunlight headed west in the late autumn sky lengthens my breath. At nearly 600 mph the movement feels almost imperceptible beneath the wing.
It refreshes me knowing that as I tap the keys and enjoy the sense of tactile versus the glass screens that are ubiquitous in our lives today the sensation of touch will never go out of style at least not with this homo sapien. Somehow our touch is felt on our Droids and iPhones often with instructions never intended as we have no doubt pocket dialed one of our contacts at ungodly hours sometimes making for embarrassing situations that make our pulse quicken or worse yet our disembodied voice hears things they ought not to have. Science in too much of a hurry has taken choice away from us and made decisions as if our electronic devices had an artificial intelligence of their own.
From a movie in 1984 called Starman one of the characters verbalized about sending an anodized disc (a record) into outer space in the hopes of alien life forms picking up our signal to let them know they were not alone. The scientist in this offering verbalized that we humans were the ancients to the incredulity of one of the antagonists. He was taken aback as if knowledge had pretty much gone as far as it was going to go. That brings back the thought that pervaded the late 19th century when the powers that be felt they should close down the patent office as all the inventions had been accounted for.
That fringe of sunlight as I started this piece is fire orange now and the clouds below look like matte photography.
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