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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bar and Beam

I could hardly believe what I saw when I got on the scale this morning? My cardiologist would be proud as I am within 12 pounds of my Weight Watchers ideal weight. And I asked my friend Arthur if the spring and bar scale was accurate? He said it was off by two pounds making you seem two pounds heavier. I thought that these antiquated beam scales were perfectly calibrated but even they need adjusting every few weeks or so. I have been hesitant to get on the damn thing even though I have been down two pants sizes over the past few months. Today however I put on my big boy pants and got on it and I was glad I did.  

It feels good to feel good and wearing a medium again blows my mind.  I know it’s shallow to talk about weight but in my family we have all struggled with it at times and for me to be able to see the results with how I work out it was indeed satisfying. No prose just a smile. 

1 comment:

  1. JB, You are looking mighty fine in those BIG BOY PANTS!
    We are very proud of you!
