When I listen to this song I think that if I was to use this metaphor I would probably say that my star races around the universe and that sometimes I just don’t know where it is. And I will confess that the people that love me tap me on the shoulder and tell me just where it is. Abstract as that may sound I live in an abstract world and fashion my puzzle piece into the world at large and hope that I fit in and when I don’t I go inside and take a look at how I can make my life better and at this stage turn stagnation into generativity.
Not easy when you turn Social Security because for me the alphabet atop the blackboard in 1st Grade in Saint Sebastian’s seemed but a fortnight ago. My epoch of time as it enters the 4th quarter before God calls me home can only be described as OT for a man blessed as I am. The mistakes I have made are but the manifestations of the best life I can lead one day at a time right now. If it were not for those days I wouldn’t be living the happiest time of my life and that’s all I can do. I pray that God has a plan worthy for me to carry out either as an example or to give back before I breathe my last breath.