“Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure which you measure will be measured out to you.”
It seems deplorable to me that it has become a ‘social sport’ to exploit what we see as weaknesses in others in order for us to make ourselves feel better at another’s expense. It has become rampant! Sometimes it is because others don’t share our political or social views or we hold them up for ridicule for how they look. We look at people’s outsides when we should be taking a good look at our own insides. Trouble is we are probably too afraid to look at the face in the mirror. Instead of becoming a healing instrument we choose the low road of ridicule and chastisement where we might make better use of our time reflecting on our own lives.
It would seem that if we tended to our own side of the street we might be better prepared for the world at large and be better equipped to offer healing solutions rather than taking the easier softer way spewing our own one sided “our way or the highway” because we have deemed we have earned it. We have earned nothing until we have walked in another person’s shoes. Until we do that it’s best we hold off on our next tweet, instant message or post on Facebook.