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Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Best Things In Life Are Free

How is it that surrounded by the force fed air of the material world do we forget that the best things in life are indeed free.  It’s not in the trappings of bulging bank accounts does happiness exist. For money can bring us the rentals of luxury but when God calls us home none of those trinkets accompany us into the ground or the urn from the crematorium.  

The best things in life are free.  The human touch, a kiss, a held hand, a glance from a loved one and a knowing smile.  These gifts we share everyday and no price tag can be pulled from them. When we cry for help and it’s answered I know that the best things in life are free.  

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Angel on the Highway

I think that there are more believers than ever before in those heavenly beings some of us choose to call angels. They are everywhere for me. Whether I am backing out of a parking space and an unknown force keeps me in place as a speeding car racing in the parking lot whizzes by saving me from a certain collision or in my lane when I was thinking of changing and that blind spot on my right keeps that invisible vehicle from my line of sight. It never seems to fail. Even when I am a miscreant and am texting and driving those deities right me with those awakening grooves in the concrete that alert me to my swerve.  

Yesterday afternoon in the midst of that treacherous snow storm and I say treacherous because it was only a few hours old and the plows hadn’t been out just yet to scrape down to the pavement and so the inch or so skating rink made drivers overly cautious or as is their wont others with 4 wheel drive brazen with insanity thinking they are invincible to the elements. 

I found myself coming home from a business appointment and deciding what church I would attend to make the 5 pm mass. I settled on St. Patrick’s in Huntington as my logical sanctuary. As I was following a Mercedes up 108 towards 25A who I was becoming impatient with as they seemed to be traveling way too slowly for my impatient taste they finally veered off to the left (as I should have) and I quickly decided that I would head up Lawrence Hill Road as my short cut. Well since my ride is a Mini Cooper this little engine thought it could but simply couldn’t. I went about 30 yards up that steep grade and came to a halt. 

If you’re familiar with that road there’s traffic from three directions. Oncoming, from behind and perpendicular from 108. Since my only alternative seemed to be backing down the hill I needed a lot of luck or just good timing not to collide with traffic behind. As I got out of my car I saw another driver seeing my plight and he was in the midst of changing his mind as to avert the hill I was challenging. I approached him and said that maybe we could help each other. I would watch traffic for him and he could for me. He seemed to agree but after I did he zoomed off. 

I had no time to whimper or stamp my feet as just then a young woman stopped in the triangle below me out of harms way opened her window and asked: Can I help? I said YES! Could you watch as I back down the hill? She being the bright woman said: Why don’t you just do a 3-point turn? I’ll protect you. I don’t know if I can I retorted. She said simply: Just try it. I got in and as the car started to roll backward it went into a natural 3 point turn and as if by magic I was facing downhill and on my way but not before I rolled down my window and blew a kiss to my mystery angel. 

I thought to myself that no matter what has changed between men and women one thing has not. Women are still nurturers and God thank you for that. I love angels. That woman wherever you are I prayed for you today.