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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Expiration Date Part III

Some have asked me privately if it is they that have reached their expiration date.  I tell them no because those that have don’t ask the question they just vanish without a word. The expiration date is everywhere. On the food we buy, the medicine in the chest above the sink and most vividly in the relationships we hold dear and those that we simply temporarily fancy because they suit our mutual purpose. 

The expiration date is inescapable there are no exceptions the perplexing part is that there is no stamp when the milk is spoiled. I can’t for the life of me know when it’s time to let go and that is why I keep the onion in the fridge long after it’s grown eyes that can’t see. I am blind because my heart bleeds but I also know that all things pass and all things have an expiration date.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Spin Doctor

My paternal grandfather lives within me each time I take fingers to keyboard or moving lips to my vocal chords. Some think of me as their own personal word master asking me to craft the right words to say. I know I don’t possess this power it is only a perception. What I do have is the gift of making words land softly so that the listener hears the message not an agenda.  Grandfather showed me just how to validate the feelings of others and yet persuade them to see more of what they really want.  

A spin-doctor carries a negative connotation but I try to play my records at the right RPM most days and if I’m lucky without skipping.  

Monday, June 3, 2013

My Life

Where have I been all my life? I know I have lived it but somehow it escapes me why I did some of the things I did. Some acts were extremely egregious to those I have loved and those that have loved me. I can only pray to make amends now to my heavenly Father because many have turned a dear ear to me. It is not a case of “poor me” rather it is accepting the responsibility and being able to move on despite the pain I have caused.  I never meant to hurt anyone and I also know that I am the only one that knows that truly. Some might love me and some might hate me but one thing is for sure they all knew I passed through their lives for better or worse.  

I am on a new path this I know and with a Rosary in my pocket I choose to pray as my childhood religion taught me. Together with sobriety prayer is part of my life and I know my angels have been working overtime for years. It is now time for them to rest but I just hope they keep one eye open in case I forget to keep my head where my feet are as I so often still do.  Some one told me that my angels are with me now I just hope I can make them feel at home.